Thursday, April 21, 2016

Informal calling

Thursday's assignment

Informal Calls: Calling a Friend
Task 1:
Click here to listen to two friends talking on the phone. Write the phrases you hear:
1. A phrase the caller uses to identify herself: 
Hi,Weeda. It's Jean.
2. A phrase the caller uses to find out if the recipient is free to chat: Is this a good time, I'm just calling to say hi?
3. Phrases the two friends use to change the topic: 
So, listen. By the way
4. A phrase the recipient of the call uses to signal that she wants to end the conversation:
5. A phrase the caller uses to cooperate in ending the conversation: 
I should let you go.

Task 2:
Listen to the recording again. Listen for the phrases below and write their meanings.
1. In ages :     for a long time
2. I’m off until January: 
I had finished all errand until January
3. Time for yourself: 
It's free time to do anything for yourself
4. Have someone over: Invite
somebody to someone's house
5. Seeing a man/woman 
dating with a man/woman
6. Kind of faded away 
a little bit disappear
7. He was in IT:he worked in Information and technology field
8. I should let you go 
 It's time to finish our conversation
9. Take care 

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