Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Consumer Contract

Task 1:

Listen to a talk and take notes of seven key points and supporting details. Compare your notes with a partner. 

Before you consider signing a contract ... 
1. Do you home work and shop around, compare different choices for the prices, guarantee, duration, and any other terms and conditions about the contract.
2.Research about who you're dealing with  by investigating not only world mouth and reputation reference. That's known as performing due diligence is worth to save your valuable time and money.
3. Don't sign the contract immediately when you feel pressure. Don't tend to believe once-lifetime special promise deal.

When signing a contract ...
4. Always get it in writing never rely on verbal promises. Make sure any claims made by the representative are writen into the contract. Don't be hesitant to cross out the part of the contract you disagreed. Make sure any changes are negotiable on both sides and also add some details on the blank spaces. read the fine print, if confused, get advices from lawyer.
5. play language without complicated jargon cause the good trend to the consumers.
6. If and how you can get out of the contract.cooling-off period.
7. get and keep a copy of the contract.

Task 2:

Listen again and answer the questions. 

1.    What can prevent you from getting the best possible service and price?
      Do enough home work before the signing. shop around,investigate and compare  
2.    What are the potential consequences of not performing due diligence?
     Waste you valuable time and money.

3.    What signals should you be wary of when a contract is involved?
     Feeling pressure while you should sign the contact immediately.

4.    What can help prevent misunderstandings or fraud when you sign a contract?
    Get it in writing never use verbal promise

5.    What is contained in “the fine print” and what are the consequences of not reading it?
     make sure you know all details about the contact. make sure avoiding not to be locked in the contract that the worst result is to go to the court.
6.    What points does the speaker make about the language of contracts?
     Use plain language and ask and make sure all details about the contract.

7.    Explain the term direct agreement and give an example of a personal development service agreement.What do both of these agreements have in common?
      door to door.
8.    What are the potential consequences of cancelling a contract?
     Cancelling in the cooling-off period is free, otherwise, it will mostly cost you before it is over.
9.    What will help protect you if there is a breach of contract? 
     find a lawyer 

Task 3:

Fill in the following table and add any new idioms/vocabulary that you have picked from the talk.

Key vocabulary
the different sides involved in the contract
Every fair contract should inititively consider about the two party's the profit and responsibility.
You should think about the their offer carefully than respond.
something you accept

something you should consider 

rule and


response of deny

cooling-off period

Even it didn't metion in the contract, you could find it in local regulation.
regulated sectors

small claims court



buyer’s remorse


retainer fee

If you receiv the item you didm't order, you can keep it without retainer fee.
Verbs and verb collocations
to be bound by

to be subject to
be controlled by

to breach

to sue

to file a complaint

to resolve

to perform due


to disclose


be liable for

to reserve the right

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