Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Task 1:

Write one paragraph using simple present ONLY. Describe five or more routine or habitual actions that you practice.

I always wake up at 7:30 a.m. every weekday, because I need 30 minutes to clean up, 30 minutes to have my breakfast, and 30 minutes to commute to school by TTC. Our class is started at 9 a.m. and ended at 2:30 p.m.. When I go back to my home, it's over 3 p.m. as usual. Then I prepare my supper, listen to the radio, and watch TV. Basically, I don't fall asleep until 12 p.m., because even when I lie on bed I'm used to read a little bit book. Every weekend, I make a video connection with my families who are still in China, I love it because I love all my family members.

Task 2:

Write one paragraph using present progressive ONLY. Describe your classroom and your peers.

When my peers are studying hard in the classroom, I'm having a conversation with a job consultant called Lee, while my friend, Li, is having a talk with another young guy in the next room. He is visiting the same company together with me. Now, Lee is asking me some questions about my professional background, and answering about what I'm wondering. I'm very appreciating his patience. Meanwhile, the receptionist out of room is working in front of her computer like I saw her at the first. There is still a bottle of coffee being grabbed in my hand passed from that kindly woman. I'm really enjoying this time.

Task 3:

Write one paragraph using present perfect ONLY. Share five things that you have never tried, visited, eaten, or done and why.

I have never tried to explore new achievement. Ever achievement like in my profession and living I have made has given me the feeling of existent. I have worked for my favorite job for 15 years. I have visited lots of countries including Nepal, Australia, Tailand, Vietnam and USA , most of them have been dreamed in my mind from my childhood. I also have tasted tons of different cuisines and cultures at those countries. All of them have given me a good memory. Personally, the most significant thing is that I have immigrated to Canada.

Task 4:

Write one paragraph using present perfect progressive ONLY. Share five things that you have started in the past and have been doing till the current time.

I have never been imagining that I will immigrate to Canada. Actually, the fist reason is I have been working as an architect for more than 16 years after I graduated from university. The major job for me in this area has been containing the local regulation and communicating with local language and skills without English. The strange environment has been obstructing me to find my familiar job  from beginning. Secondly, my almost related relationship has been existing in China, I have hardly been getting used to survive without them. The other thing out of my former mind has been haunting me is where should I live at after my retirement.

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