Monday, May 16, 2016


Task 1:

Listen to a radio interview with a communications consultant about giving presentations. Answer the questions below.
1. How does Melanie define a good presentation? 
A good presentation is well prepared and well practiced, that having to do a lot of planning, preparation, and practice.
2. What three Ps of presentations does she mention?
 Planning, preparation, and practice
3. Why is it important to consider your audience when preparing a presentation? 
Because if you don't be with your audience in your mind, you will probably fall deaf ears.

4. How can you start your presentation? Give examples.
Began your presentation with ice-breaker or attention
grabber, like personal story or picture  to relax your 
5. What is a presentation outline? 
Out line is a point form plan what you 
want you want to talk about. 
6. How can an outline help you in giving a good presentation? 
 Write them down the and practice again
 and again before

7. What are signposts? 
The specific expression used from one point to another
8. What other aspects of a presentation are important? 

Don't scared and pay attention your body language and the way of use your voice as your topic.
 Task 2:

Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to the expressions below. Try to define each one based on your understanding, and then answer the questions below.

fall on deaf ears
something that make other doesn't want to listen, and pay attention
be second nature
be innate, to do something being nature
frame of mind 
temporary schological state
with someone in mind
keep someone in your mind
someone or something  to break the ice from beginning, warm up
attention grabber 
someone or some thing that attractting others' attention
tried and tested

Task 3:
1. What does Melanie mean when she says a presentation can fall on deaf ears
Audience didn't pay attention in the presentation.
2. What is an ice-breaker? In what situations, other than presentations, would you use an ice-breaker? 
The action or the activity that help somebody to break the ice-break.
The situation the meet somebody who you are not very familiar, like colleague, neighbor, or other passenger in transportation.
3. What does Melanie mean by a good frame of mind for listening
 Create a good report and relax atmosphere 
4. What does Melanie mean when she says to some people public speaking is second nature
Some peoples have talent of presentation.
5. What is an attention grabber? What example of an attention grabber does Melanie give? 
Some things that grabbing others' attention. An intro duct remark,  a joke, or an edict dolt.
6. When Melanie says you need to have your audience in mind when you plan your talk, what does she mean? 
Consider your audience and thing about how familiar they are with the topic, what they need to learn, what you think will interest them.

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