Monday, May 30, 2016

Fulfill Dream

Monday, 30 May 2016

Monday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Do dreams come true?

This question I would like every one of you to answer in the following tasks. Based on our today’s reading (Dream Comes True), please write a similar overview for yourself following the main points below:

Task 1:
  • Introduce yourself in 2 lines
  • Specify your dream
  • Give a short background on yourself
  • Describe your family
  • Describe your education
  • Highlight two to three of your achievements in life
  • Share a new goal you want to achieve in the future

Han is a newcomer, came from China and living in Canada now. His professional background is architecture. He has worked as an architect for more than fifteen years after getting his major bachelor. 

When he was a child, his father used to visit US for almost one month and wrote the diaries about the experience he got every day in this trip. After finishing the round and going back to home, his father told him all the contents written in his diaries and described a fantastic situation and environment he really had tasted, lawns filled in every regardless corner, commodities satisfied every single want, almost every common people had his owned house and car. He also told to his son a dream, called American Dream which sounded like beautiful dream in Chinese and made a deep-rooted affect in his mind.

After that, the encouragement to living in North America from their father has worked on the son and his sister during their whole childhoods. The first chance came when he graduated from his university and he almost made a final decision to start his post-education and get the living opportunity in Canada. The starting had to been postponed as a result of persuasion from his surrounding that it was the proper time to make money for surviving as an independent man, and to put you dream aside before getting the fundamental effort.

After worked hard for almost ten years, Han thought he made an enough achievement to sufficiently support to fulfill his dream. He finally got the permission from the government after an unbelievably short time waiting and fulfilled to live in Canada. The next dream he imagined is to serve for the interaction of the two countries he lived. There are gonna be lots of barriers in front of achieving his new dream, and the first step is to got the sufficient and fluent English, but he hasn’t been caring. I believe, with the former experience he got from his ex-achievement, he will fulfill it in the future.

Task 2:

Ask one of your peers to edit your work and give you a helpful suggestion on how to achieve your new goal.

Task 3:

After editing, publish your work for evaluation J

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Task 1:

Write one paragraph using simple present ONLY. Describe five or more routine or habitual actions that you practice.

I always wake up at 7:30 a.m. every weekday, because I need 30 minutes to clean up, 30 minutes to have my breakfast, and 30 minutes to commute to school by TTC. Our class is started at 9 a.m. and ended at 2:30 p.m.. When I go back to my home, it's over 3 p.m. as usual. Then I prepare my supper, listen to the radio, and watch TV. Basically, I don't fall asleep until 12 p.m., because even when I lie on bed I'm used to read a little bit book. Every weekend, I make a video connection with my families who are still in China, I love it because I love all my family members.

Task 2:

Write one paragraph using present progressive ONLY. Describe your classroom and your peers.

When my peers are studying hard in the classroom, I'm having a conversation with a job consultant called Lee, while my friend, Li, is having a talk with another young guy in the next room. He is visiting the same company together with me. Now, Lee is asking me some questions about my professional background, and answering about what I'm wondering. I'm very appreciating his patience. Meanwhile, the receptionist out of room is working in front of her computer like I saw her at the first. There is still a bottle of coffee being grabbed in my hand passed from that kindly woman. I'm really enjoying this time.

Task 3:

Write one paragraph using present perfect ONLY. Share five things that you have never tried, visited, eaten, or done and why.

I have never tried to explore new achievement. Ever achievement like in my profession and living I have made has given me the feeling of existent. I have worked for my favorite job for 15 years. I have visited lots of countries including Nepal, Australia, Tailand, Vietnam and USA , most of them have been dreamed in my mind from my childhood. I also have tasted tons of different cuisines and cultures at those countries. All of them have given me a good memory. Personally, the most significant thing is that I have immigrated to Canada.

Task 4:

Write one paragraph using present perfect progressive ONLY. Share five things that you have started in the past and have been doing till the current time.

I have never been imagining that I will immigrate to Canada. Actually, the fist reason is I have been working as an architect for more than 16 years after I graduated from university. The major job for me in this area has been containing the local regulation and communicating with local language and skills without English. The strange environment has been obstructing me to find my familiar job  from beginning. Secondly, my almost related relationship has been existing in China, I have hardly been getting used to survive without them. The other thing out of my former mind has been haunting me is where should I live at after my retirement.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Task 1:

Listen to a radio interview with a communications consultant about giving presentations. Answer the questions below.
1. How does Melanie define a good presentation? 
A good presentation is well prepared and well practiced, that having to do a lot of planning, preparation, and practice.
2. What three Ps of presentations does she mention?
 Planning, preparation, and practice
3. Why is it important to consider your audience when preparing a presentation? 
Because if you don't be with your audience in your mind, you will probably fall deaf ears.

4. How can you start your presentation? Give examples.
Began your presentation with ice-breaker or attention
grabber, like personal story or picture  to relax your 
5. What is a presentation outline? 
Out line is a point form plan what you 
want you want to talk about. 
6. How can an outline help you in giving a good presentation? 
 Write them down the and practice again
 and again before

7. What are signposts? 
The specific expression used from one point to another
8. What other aspects of a presentation are important? 

Don't scared and pay attention your body language and the way of use your voice as your topic.
 Task 2:

Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to the expressions below. Try to define each one based on your understanding, and then answer the questions below.

fall on deaf ears
something that make other doesn't want to listen, and pay attention
be second nature
be innate, to do something being nature
frame of mind 
temporary schological state
with someone in mind
keep someone in your mind
someone or something  to break the ice from beginning, warm up
attention grabber 
someone or some thing that attractting others' attention
tried and tested

Task 3:
1. What does Melanie mean when she says a presentation can fall on deaf ears
Audience didn't pay attention in the presentation.
2. What is an ice-breaker? In what situations, other than presentations, would you use an ice-breaker? 
The action or the activity that help somebody to break the ice-break.
The situation the meet somebody who you are not very familiar, like colleague, neighbor, or other passenger in transportation.
3. What does Melanie mean by a good frame of mind for listening
 Create a good report and relax atmosphere 
4. What does Melanie mean when she says to some people public speaking is second nature
Some peoples have talent of presentation.
5. What is an attention grabber? What example of an attention grabber does Melanie give? 
Some things that grabbing others' attention. An intro duct remark,  a joke, or an edict dolt.
6. When Melanie says you need to have your audience in mind when you plan your talk, what does she mean? 
Consider your audience and thing about how familiar they are with the topic, what they need to learn, what you think will interest them.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tourist Ads

Amazing Jamaica

Jamaica is one of the most popular islands in the Caribbean. With its highest point being the Blue Mountain Peak Jamaica is a kaleidoscope of beauty, that makes the island the most precious jewel in the Caribbean. There’s an allure which keeps first time visitors coming back.


Jamaica is a melting pot of African, Asian, European and Middle Eastern cultures. You'll experience this diversity in its strong crafts tradition, performing arts and distinctive dining options, like ackee and saltfish with roast breadfruit. Take your holiday to new heights at famed cliff jumping spot, Negril Cliffs. Jamaica offers long beaches, protected coves, rugged mountains, waterfalls, caves, sunshine and chances to play in the surf, ride horses and swim with dolphins.

So thinking about planning a trip by yourself, with friends, family members or maybe a honeymoon getaway, you’ll be sure to find something to meet your need in the diversity of Jamaica’s resort areas.

The scenery is breathtaking… the cuisine is scrumptious… the music is pulsating and the people are unforgettable. Jump in!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Driving test

Based on our reading, think of a similar experience that has happened to you and narrate it to us. Use present tense, even though this was in the past.

Make sure to answer the 5Ws in your answer.
  • When was it?
  • Where was it?
  • Who was with you?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?
  • Describe our feelings before and after the situation. 

When I arrive the driving test spot with my coach after more than 2-hour journey, it is about 3 PM at afternoon. The weather is still sunshine, but I can't get any more energies from it to get rid of my nervousness. I’m still trying to remember all the technical procedures about the driving test. My nervous feeling rises up to the climax when the inspector enters my car and asks me to get started. The beginning several minutes is of unconscious for me. I have made lots of small mistake, but fortunately, they don’t cause me to fail. After that, I feel more and more relax while the procedure going on. Finally, I can see the last corner in front of my road which means the destination to get through my test. Meanwhile, I sound an urgent alarm coming close to me. When I’m searching the alarm which is actually derived from an ambulance along with my unstopped driving, my inspector suddenly steps on my brake and tells me that I’m fail. I know I got a huge mistake but it is too late. Nobody can understand how frustrated I was at that time, because I have prepared this test for more than a half year, and should have waited for another test’s chance for over 2 months, and I also paid the unreturned refund of my new car that will come with me after this test. The ultimate victory was exactly but barely touchable. This bad memory has haunted me for many days, but at the end, I flip my mind. I just definitely tell myself that it luckily happen during the test unless I would get the severe penalty in real situation and it also can make me get more experiences to practice the skill to drive which can actually reduce the risk of my driving in the future.

Requesting for replacement of PR card

XXX Kingslake Road
Toronto, ON M2J3XX

May 5, 2016

CPC Vegreville
Permanent Residence Applications
6212-55th Avenue
AB T9C 1W3

Dear Sir / Madam:
I’m so sorry to tell you about my urgent situation that I lost my PR card yesterday.  I request you to please replace the new card for me.

I think my card was lost probably on the way back from the agency named AAAA.  The reason why I went there was that I’m applying for immigration for my wife and son with the help of this immigration agency and they told me that they needed to check it yesterday. Unfortunately, when I came back my home, I couldn’t find my PR card.  I called the agency back and asked them if they had seen my card after checking it, but I got a negative reply. I also searched my car, but the result was frustrating.

 As a result, I have no choice but requesting you to replace my PR card, the number of which is 88800088899.  
I am enclosing some documents as proof.

Thanks for your consideration, and I ‘m looking forward your response soon.


Han Huang

Han Huang

·         The copy of my immigration paper
·         The copy of my driving license
·         The copy of my health card
·         The copy of my SIN card
·         The copy of my used PR card


Monday, May 2, 2016

Gerund and Infinitive


Task 1:

Click on this link to get more practice on the use of gerunds and infinitives. Finish two exercises; repeat them till you get them all right. 

Task 2: 

Complete the text using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Farmer Jones met Jane when he was just a young man. He couldn’t help falling(1 fall) in love with her immediately and asked her to marry him. She said yes although she knew it would mean getting(2 get) up early to milk the cows for the rest of her life. “Love means never having(3 have) to get up early to milk the cows”, said Farmer Jones, and explained that he would continue to get(4 get) up early to milk the cows so Jane could sleep late every day. Everything went well until they tried to increase(5 increase) their profits by buying some chickens. The first night, a fox ate one of the chickens. Farmer Jones decided to bulid (6 build) a fence to protect the chickens. But the ground was too hard so he couldn’t. He tried to use(7 use) an axe to break the ground but it was much too hard. So he went to the local shop and tried to buy (8 buy) a gun. But he didn’t have any identification so he couldn’t buy one. He tried to borrow(9 borrow) one from his neighbours but they were all worried about the fox too. “I regret not buying(10 buy) one when I had those rabbit problems”, he told Jane. So Jane went to the shop and bought a gun. That night she tried to stop(11 stop) the fox. At first she tried scaring(12 scare) the fox by shooting into the air but it didn’t work. So she tried to hit(13 hit) the fox but she missed. She called her husband and he ran after the fox to try to catch(14 catch) it but he wasn’t fast enough. They tried shotting(15 shout) at the fox and they tried throwing(16 throw) things at it and they tried leaving(17 leave) other food for the fox but nothing worked. Soon they had only 1 chicken left. They tried to ask(18 ask) their neighbours for help and one of their neighbours told them to try putting(19 put) tiger dung on the ground. So they went to the local zoo to try buying(20 buy) some tiger dung. They put the dung on the ground and they never saw the fox again. 

Task 3

Answer the questions based on the summaries below. Use either a gerund, an infinitive, or a simple form in your answer.

One Life to Live

Maggie, who teaches children at a school for the deaf, meets Max when she comes to Llanview to visit her cousin, Andrew. Max, a friend of Andrew’s, is a widower with one-year-old twins. After Maggie spends some time with the twins, she suspects that one of them, Frankie, is partially deaf. She tells Max that he must take Frankie for testing. Max refuses to believe that his son is deaf and tells Maggie to stay out of his family’s business. Maggie, who grew up with a deaf brother, pursues the matter, even setting up an appointment for Frankie without Max’s knowledge. When Max finds out about the appointment, he is furious at Maggie.

a. Why did Maggie come to Llanview?
     She want to visit her cousin, Andrew.
b. Why is Max angry at Maggie?
    He refuses to believe her and think she just want to sale.
c. What is Maggie determined to do?
    She determined to pursue the matter and to set up an appointment without Max's knowledge.
Task 4:

Follow the same pattern, now write a short paragraph with the same title and make sure to use either a gerund, to-infinitive or infinitive without to in your short story. Ask a friend to edit your work.

One day, when I made a decision to go back to my hometown from Canada, I wanted to buy the airplane ticket as soon as possible.At first, I tried searching it in the web side, but got failing because of the net-break. Than, I called the agency to ask it, but still failed to get proper response. It almost made me crazy. Desperately, I had no choice but to go to the real agency directly and got the ticket finally.